John Davis

Monthly Archives : September 2016

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The emergence of the Islamic State represented a major challenge for the Barack Obama administration. Having incessantly stated that Al Qaeda had been decimated, President Obama overlooked, and in eyes of many in the U.S. intelligence and counterterrorism communities, refused to come to grips with the threat posed by the…


As mentioned in a previous post, a subsequent post would provide an analysis of the Clinton and Trump plans to defeat the Islamic State. This post is designated for that purpose. The post will address two critical queries. As the presidential election intensifies, a series of significant questions surround the…


Since the heinous attacks on September 11, 2001, New York has avoided any subsequent “Al-Qaeda-style 9/11” terrorist attacks. Given the impending fifteenth anniversary, another period of reflection is upon us. In fact, there are a disparate set of reflections that will dominate the national anniversary. Most notable, all Americans, as with…
